Reflexology for Menopause

Are you pre-menopausal or post-menopausal? Perhaps you’re unsure, but you know you’re feeling all out of sorts. If so, I’d love to offer my help.

I have studied Reflexology for Menopause at Sally Earlam Reflexology. She shared her knowledge, wisdom, and positivity on how reflexology can support women’s physical and emotional health during menopause and ease symptoms. 

I have many clients who are currently going through menopause. Some experience mild symptoms, while others experience more severe symptoms. Being 56 years old and post-menopausal myself, I can empathise with the issues you may encounter during this natural stage of the aging process.

As a reflexologist, I aim to provide a comforting space where you can share your menopause concerns with me. I offer advice, encouragement, and nurturing treatments to help you achieve a sense of relaxation, balance, and restfulness. The good news is that with proper care and healthy lifestyle choices, we can embrace the second half of our lives feeling as good as we possibly can! 

Reflexology for Menopause Can Help to;

  • reduce stress
  • alleviate tension
  • improve mood
  • promote a deeper nights sleep
  • enhance overall wellbeing

During each treatment, I consider your individual needs. When you come for your first visit, I will ask you questions about your health, lifestyle, menopause symptoms, and what you hope to achieve. You will need to remove your footwear, relax on the comfortable therapy couch, and enjoy your reflexology experience.

 Following the session, we will discuss potential follow-up treatments. I will provide simple aftercare advice on nutrition, exercise, stress management, and sleep. When you’re ready, these tips are easy to implement into your daily routine.

Please read more about reflexology to understand what it is, what it isn’t, and if it’s right for you. 

If you need any further information, don’t hesitate to give me a call or text. I’m happy to answer any of your questions.


Reflexology for Menopause

Includes a relaxing lower leg and foot massage using a nourishing organic lotion. 

£45 (60 mins)

* Course of 6 ~ £225 (save £45)

Deluxe Reflexology for Menopause 

Enhance your reflexology treatment with an aromatherapy lower leg and foot massage using a sumptuous blend of pure essential oils. This upgraded treatment ends with an endocrine balance to help naturally regulate hormones.

£50 (75 mins)

 * Course of 6 ~ £250 (save £50)

* Course of treatments

When you book a course of 6 reflexology treatments, you can save money and receive a FREE gift. Regular treatments have a cumulative effect, meaning each builds on the previous to help you achieve your desired results more quickly. I recommend having 4 weekly and 2 fortnightly sessions. You can opt to have a monthly reflexology session when your course is complete to maintain optimum well-being in menopause and beyond. 

You will receive one free treatment by prepaying for your course of 6. Additionally, you will get ‘The 5 Pillars for a Healthy Menopause’ booklet on nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, and purpose. 

Reflexology for Menopause with Back Massage

Begin this combination treatment with a soothing back massage to alleviate muscle and joint stiffness. I use 100% natural essential oils to assist during menopause, such as lavender, clary sage, and chamomile. These essential oils are carefully selected to suit your individual needs.

£65 (90 mins)

Reflexology for Menopause with Neck & Shoulder Massage

This combination is the same as the above treatment but focuses on the shoulders and neck. 

£65 (90 mins)

Book Your Treatment

Call or Text Julie on:  079222 744 12

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